
Hi there, thanks for taking time to visit my blog. My name is Audrey Lewis, and I'm a busy Mom of 5 kids living in the Boise, Idaho area. I've always had a passion for taking pictures, but I really fell in love once I started having my own children. I realized how fast they grow up, and I wanted to capture every little moment I could so that I don't ever forget these precious years. I love photographing children, there's just something so magical about seeing the world through a childs eyes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Pretty in Red

I really need this lady to stop growing up on me! If it keeps going this fast I'm going to need another one for sure. Kali is just so much fun. She is full of smiles and giggles and just makes me happy. She has turned into such a cheeseball lately and makes the funniest faces. She cracks me up when she gets excited, she pretty much loses control of her body, it's hularious. I just want to kiss her and squeeze her all day long. I can't believe she just turned 7 months old. I took these a month ago, that's how behind I am, but had to share a few. Love you little Kali!






alison said...

these are just so, so sweet. my favorite is the last one with her little tongue sticking out:) what a doll!

Unknown said...

I can't believe she's already 7 months old either. Where does the time go? They are just adorable. Love them all, but that last one is the cutest thing ever!

Kurt, Amy and kids! said...

I love that hat and I love that baby! She is so adorable.

Dana said...

Love the last one. She is adorable with that little tongue sticking out!!