I know I should be working on the sessions I've done lately, but I have to take time for some of my own kids every once in a while, right? We haven't done an official shoot of my little people in a long time, so I begged my hubby and off we went to Hyde Park. We went for the very elusive shot of all 4 of them. Any of you with 4 young kids will know why we don't attempt it often. I was pretty happy we got a few decent ones. These are a little outside the box for me, but I had fun trying something new. Thanks for looking!
I've been wanting to try this first shot out for forever, my little gal surrounded by her three big brothers. I know they're mine, but aren't they just so cute!!!

This one was Jake's idea, he wanted to go biggest to smallest.

I'm so glad you finally took some time to edit these. I know it's hard to do when you feel like you sould be editing client's pictures. But isn't it funner to do your own family?! These are all so beautiful. They are among my very favorites you've posted. Every picture turned out wonderfully!! That last one of Abbey is to die for.
yay! i am so happy you posted these...and i have to say that the first one is a top favorite of mine and can't wait to try it out when my kidlets a bit bigger...and their outfits - so very urban :> and well - i love them all. there a couple of the boys that are so canvas worthy - great job on taking the time to do your family :>
you are amazing.
These are great! I love the ones with all four of them the best!
You got AWESOME shots of your kids together! Great job...it is so tough to get all the kids to look at the camera, while making normal faces. I'm very impressed. And I love the other individual ones. I think my favorite is the first one with Abbey surrounded by her brothers. Cute.
i love the first one of the boys with abbey! you got some real keepers!! i hope you are planning on doing some printing and framing. great work and adorable subjects:)
OH MY GOODNESS! Those are amazing! Your kids are so so so cute. Jake is getting so big.. he's so handsome! They all are just adorable. I just want to give Abbey big kisses! Those turned out so great. I especially love the first one of Abbey and her brothers. Can I have copies of these? I know Andrew would want to look at them over and over and over! Me too!
Super cute. And love the outfits. Really cute.
your kids are so cute audrey. beautiful pictures as always!
okay i love them all, but the first one OMG!!! hats off to you audrey, you're so talented... not to mention, you really did have some adorable subjects =) keep up the good work!
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