Hi there, thanks for taking time to visit my blog. My name is Audrey Lewis, and I'm a busy Mom of 5 kids living in the Boise, Idaho area. I've always had a passion for taking pictures, but I really fell in love once I started having my own children. I realized how fast they grow up, and I wanted to capture every little moment I could so that I don't ever forget these precious years. I love photographing children, there's just something so magical about seeing the world through a childs eyes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
This family is just so adorable, and some of the nicest people I've ever known. Their little boys are so cute and the almost 2 year old is just full of energy. I was so grateful that they were so patient with me for my first studio session, it made it so much easier on me. And they've been super patient waiting for their sneak peak! Between lots of sessions and vacations, I'm so far behind. Thanks everyone for being so understanding. Hope you guys love these!
This little guy is so sweet. He's 2 months old, which is such a hard age to photograph, but I think we got some cute ones.
Such a beautiful Mom!
i'm no expert :> but i love the lighting on these and the coloring! they look very nice - they will be THRILLED...and that hat - so cute. great work! again :>
My favorites are the black and white ones. Beautiful. And I love the one of the little boy at the top. He has such a cute smile! They are a beautiful family.
I might be a touch bias, but I love this cute family too! My fave is the Mommy&Me pics of Cala and little Boston. -Ang (Cala's sis-in-law and Audrey's friend)
These look so good. I love your studio, it turned out great! I can't wait to get some of my and my little one in there! Great jog as always. And way cute family, i just LOVE them:o)
i'm no expert :> but i love the lighting on these and the coloring! they look very nice - they will be THRILLED...and that hat - so cute. great work! again :>
I LOVE them!!! Too cute, thanks so much we had a great time. You are so awesome, thanks a bunch!!!
These look so good. Little ones at that age can be so hard, but you got lots of great ones!
My favorites are the black and white ones. Beautiful. And I love the one of the little boy at the top. He has such a cute smile! They are a beautiful family.
I might be a touch bias, but I love this cute family too! My fave is the Mommy&Me pics of Cala and little Boston. -Ang (Cala's sis-in-law and Audrey's friend)
Great job! YOu are so talented!
These look so good. I love your studio, it turned out great! I can't wait to get some of my and my little one in there! Great jog as always. And way cute family, i just LOVE them:o)
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