This is one of my favorite sessions I've ever done. A great location with two adorable people who are very much in love. I couldn't ask for more. I didn't even have to pose them, they'd just sit next to each other and get as close as possible, they were soooo cute. This is my first "official" engagement session, so I was super nervous. I have to admit though, I could do these all the time, I love them! I don't think that these two know how to take a bad picture, so get ready for picture overload. I loved them all. These two make me want to be fall in love with my hubby all over again. They are so giddy and in love and so happy to be with each other. I wanted to capture their fun, loving relationship. They tried for a few serious ones, but couldn't stop smiling at each other long enough. They both come from amazing families that I respect so much, it was great to see how happy and in love they are. Congrats you two, I can tell you're going to have a very happy "forever" together! I hope you love these.

I don't know if they're aware they do this, but it's adorable. I have a ton of photos of them like this, with huge smiles on their faces and their noses pressed against each other. I caught them when they thought I wasn't looking. So cute! (You can click on the pictures to see them larger).

Yay, 1st one to comment! I'm sure I'm the only one up at this hour. You'll have tons of comments on this post. These are super duper cute. I love every single one. Your locations rock too. I must find out where you went! Your lighting is perfect, processing perfect, poses perfect.......I could go on and on. I love em!!!
Is that Chana Allred? What a gorgeous couple! I remember when she was just a little girl! How crazy! You did beautifully! Im thinking we may be coming to Boise here in the next month or so if you have time to sneak us in for a family pic. I will let you know when I know more!
Audrey I love them! They are perfect! My sister wants me to do her engagement pictures (its official now!) and I'm nervous. Maybe you can do them instead???
what a fun cute couple! loved where you did the pictures and of course i am in LOVE with the one you snuck in of them nose to nose. gosh, those are the best...they all LOOK incredible, i pitty them - since they have to choose :>
Beautiful pictures as always! The location is amazing Audrey.
Once again you've taken some absolutely beautiful pictures! I love all the different backgrounds you use. Thanks for sharing:)
I LOVE these! The location is great (i want to use it for ours). You did such a great job I don't know how they are going to pick!
Wow, those two are going to have a seriously hard time choosing a picture! These are alllll fantastic!! They are adorable together!!
These are awesome!! I wish you were around when I got engaged! i need to make an appoint. for little one, what's the best way to get a hold of you??
wow Audrey, your work gets better and better!! What a cute couple, from the photos you can tell they are so much in love!!
Audrey, seriously....these are perfect! Beautiful!
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