
Hi there, thanks for taking time to visit my blog. My name is Audrey Lewis, and I'm a busy Mom of 5 kids living in the Boise, Idaho area. I've always had a passion for taking pictures, but I really fell in love once I started having my own children. I realized how fast they grow up, and I wanted to capture every little moment I could so that I don't ever forget these precious years. I love photographing children, there's just something so magical about seeing the world through a childs eyes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Adorable Family

Families this size are not supposed to be this easy to take pictures of! I always get nervous for family sessions, but this was one of the most fun family sessions ever! Their Mom made it so easy on me, she knew exactly what she wanted, I just had to snap away. I love the props she brought, such a cute idea for a family picture! This family was so adorable, and you can tell that they are extremely close. They were constantly laughing and just having a good time. Their Mom reminded me so much of my own Mom. I just loved them. Thanks for being so patient for your sneak peek, I hope you enjoy them! Oh, and just to warn you, I probably went a little overboard on the vintage for this post, but it just worked with these pictures so well.

(You can click on photos to see them larger):

I couldn't get over how much these 2 reminded me of my own parents. They are still so obviously in love, so young looking, and you can tell they have a great time together. I hope my hubby and I can hold onto the magic like that!

Gotta love squishy families!

And the cute little families:

And this is my dear friend and her family. I love this lady, she is an amazing friend and has more energy than anyone I know! She is also just so down to earth and "real". It's amazing all the things that she does, and always with a huge smile on her face, I admire her so much. Don't they have such a cute family!

While they were cleaning things up, this little guy struck a pose and asked me to take some pictures of him. I wish my kids would do that! Isn't he handsome!


Unknown said...

Finalyy!!! I've been waiting to see these. I love them all Audrey. What a fun idea. I love the location too. You always find such cool spots.

The Becks said...

Thank you so much Audrey! They turned out great. You are such a great friend and a fabulous photographer!!! I can't wait to see the rest of them.

Alison said...

Wow! I swear your work is sooooo professional!! Where did you take these?? They are just amazing!

Anonymous said...

so sweet. the color is just amazing and those people are to beautiful! those props cracked me up and are very cool - love the theme look. you did more than just "snap" you did a beautiful job - not surprising as usual!

they are going to be so in love! that last one of the boys just melts my heart - love it.

Anonymous said...




















