
Hi there, thanks for taking time to visit my blog. My name is Audrey Lewis, and I'm a busy Mom of 5 kids living in the Boise, Idaho area. I've always had a passion for taking pictures, but I really fell in love once I started having my own children. I realized how fast they grow up, and I wanted to capture every little moment I could so that I don't ever forget these precious years. I love photographing children, there's just something so magical about seeing the world through a childs eyes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

My Sister

I haven't blogged in ages, it's about time I got caught up a little! These are some pictures of my cute little sister's family that we took over Thanksgiving. We only had about half an hour to take these, after we'd spent a long and fun day at the zoo in Utah. She's lucky to have this pretty area right by her home, so we hopped over there for a few minutes before the sun went down. I freaked out when I pulled my camera out and it wouldn't focus at all. Luckily, it was just my lens (even if it was my very favorite lens), so I threw another one on and got to shooting. It was pretty much a disaster with no time, my lens not working, and tired kids. Luckily, the kids did pretty great for not having had naps all day, and I was lucky my Jacob was there to make the kiddos laugh. I'm thinking I should hire him as an assistant. After all that happened, we were both happy we got some keepers. Love you Nicole, you have the cutest family!


Aren't her kids the cutest! Love these kiddos. They have the funniest little personalities.

