
Hi there, thanks for taking time to visit my blog. My name is Audrey Lewis, and I'm a busy Mom of 5 kids living in the Boise, Idaho area. I've always had a passion for taking pictures, but I really fell in love once I started having my own children. I realized how fast they grow up, and I wanted to capture every little moment I could so that I don't ever forget these precious years. I love photographing children, there's just something so magical about seeing the world through a childs eyes. I hope you enjoy your visit, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

I'm back, and with a super cute family to share.....

We're back, we had a fabulous time in Oregon and I'm sure you'll see lots of pictures from our trip soon. But first, I have to share this adorable family! I have been wanting to take their pictures for forever, so I'm so glad we were finally able to meet up. I had such a great time with their session, and we got so many cute pictures it's almost ridiculous. I keep telling myself I need to post less pictures, but it's not going to start with this session. Prepare for picture overload! For being such a nature girl, I have to admit that I am falling in love with urban sessions, they are so much fun!!! I love all the color and yummy texture to them.

Anyway, I just love this family. The cute little Mom is one of my favorite people ever. She is just one of the most genuinely nice people you'll ever meet, she's super talented, and she's lots of fun too. They just have the cutest family. I hope you love them guys, and thanks for the fun evening!

How on earth could you resist this face? They don't come any cuter than this!

I just love his expression on this one!

This one just makes me laugh. Gotta love how kids interpret instructions.

I've been wanting to try a family shot like this for a while now. Love his expression on this!


Anonymous said...

yay! i am so happy to see these, i have been dying to. they look amazing! and the kissing ones turned out so priceless - that kid is the cutest thing! i am doing a family shoot in a couple of weeks and can't wait to "TRY" that pose that we love. and i can't wait for you to do it for us :>

as always beautiful job and i love the urban look too. but shooting a beautiful family doesn't hurt it either. :> beautiful pictures, they are very lucky to have these.

alison said...

you do such a beautiful job. inspiring! what a gift you have:)

Unknown said...

Wow, those are so so so good!!! I can't believe you got so many good ones of that little boy. That age is usually sooooo hard. I love them Audrey. You are so good with families.

*NaTaLiE SaNdaLL* said...

Thank you so much! We LOVE them! You are so talented and we had such a great time taking them, you're the BEST!!!

Rachel and Steve said...

Every single one is amazing!!

Sarah said...

These are so awesome! And it definitely helps that you are shooting such a cute family! You are getting so good! And I can't believe you are only raising your prices to 150---come one---you are worth so much more! :)

Kurt, Amy and kids! said...

Audrey these are awesome! I love them! What a cute family and you really got some great ones! You're so amazing!

Alison said...

Wow!! These are soooo amazing!! I love the new ideas and poses you have here! Very inspiring work!

Aaron and Jen Budge said...

You do take amazing photos... I wish Aaron & I could have had you take some of us before we moved. We've never had professional photos taken.

jamie said...

hey audrey, i love those photos of the little one with mom and dad blurred in the background, AWESOME work!

Anonymous said...




















